Monday, May 26, 2008

no forks please

i'm officially in food heaven (surprise surprise - i know)
otherwise known as south india
indian food three times a day
AND breakfast (!)

i knew i was off to a good start when the very first dish i ordered (navratan korma - a savory/sweet dinner dish made up of an unlikely but awe inspiring mix of fruits, vegetables, and nuts)
came complete with a few whole tart cherries in the mix (pits and all - my current fruit obsession) – how did they know?!
since then it has been a non-stop hit food parade – complete with amazing dhal after delicious dosa after terrific naan after tasty chutney. you get the picture. all sandwiched between honking cars, and beautiful sari after beautiful sari, and HOT hot heat, and a string white jasmine flowers pinned in my hair walking barefoot through a breezy temple watching elephants bless heads in exchange for coins…

and to top it all off. all this delicious food is eaten with no utensils. so finally after all these years of suppressing my – i’d much rather just pick at this dish with my fingers – urges. i can pick away at every last dish of food set in front of me. every last delicious dish.

more to come, i’m sure. hope all is well.


rachel said...

i ate don chilitos for lunch.

Leigh Nottingham and Jeff Sand said...

Oh, Michaela! I wish I was experiencing all this food and delight and heat with you!! I made really yummy chocolate chip cookies today. It is raining out of control here and cold. Keep the dahl tales coming. I miss you!